President & CEO
Jay is the President and CEO of The Center Consulting Group and brings experience in the areas of organizational assessment, leadership coaching, decision-making, and strategic questioning. Jay’s degrees include an M.Ed. in Instructional Systems Design from Pennsylvania State University and a Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior and Leadership from The Union Institute & University. Contact Jay.
All organizations have blind spots, and when they go unchecked, they can cause a catastrophic event. Here’s how to identify and avoid blind spots in your organization.
In the movie “The Intern,” Robert De Niro is a retired executive who rejoins the workforce as a senior intern. This may sound like a story made just for the movies, but it matches our reality today. With the population aging and not enough young people to fill the available positions in the workforce, leaders are going to have to be creative to fill in the gaps. Here’s how.
There are a lot of examples of people who are perhaps smart, but not smart all the time. Here are five reasons smart leaders sometimes do dumb things.
Leading change isn’t easy, just ask any leader. But successful leaders will tell you that the risk is worth it. Here are six principles for leading change effectively.
Don’t you wish you could have your own Magic 8-Ball that would tell you how to make the perfect decision? Although that isn’t possible, here are four time-tested aspects of decision-making that leaders can focus on to make great decisions.
We are told to prepare for getting hit by the proverbial "bus." But in reality, something far more common may cause a gap in leadership and put our organizations at risk - illness, accident, quitting, or retirement. Here are four steps to help you prepare for succession when a key leader leaves.
Have you ever felt like a magnet where more and more things stick to you as you go through your day? You either fail to give things away, or tasks that others should have done land on you? Here are five steps to help you delegate wisely and effectively.
Why do we let a pilot, whom we have never met, fly us across the country at 35,000 ft in air? It all has to do with trust. Trust is one of the foundational elements in organizational life. Here are three actions that will help you build trust in your life and leadership.
There are examples of bad leadership all around us. Unfortunately, we can’t change others, but we can make improvements in our own leadership. Watch this video to learn three simple ways to lead well.
While it may seem like spreading your focus out will increase your leadership, it actually takes away from your effectiveness. Here are five ways you can focus your energy and intention to be the most effective leader you can be.