Exit Planning: The Challenge of Business Exit Planning & Why It Matters to You [VIDEO]

Most business owners delay exit planning until it’s too late. Here are the three essential pillars of a successful transition so you can plan to step away on your own terms and not leave it up to chance.

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Leadership Lessons from Athletics

From finding your motivation to taking ownership of your mistakes, here are six lessons from athletics that will help you lead more effectively in the workplace.

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Teams: Is Your Team Dysfunctional? [VIDEO]

Is your team dysfunctional? Here are six symptoms to help you identify if it is dysfunctional and if it is time to get help.

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How to Recruit and Inspire Volunteers [VIDEO]

Recruiting volunteers is incredibly difficult, especially since only about 1 in 4 U.S. adults volunteer each year. Here are five strategies leaders can use to recruit and inspire their volunteers.

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Trust: 4 Steps to Rebuild Damaged Trust [VIDEO]

Rebuilding damaged trust is not impossible, but it does require diligence. Here are four steps to rebuild damaged trust.

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Blind Spots: How to Identify & Avoid Blind Spots in Your Organization [VIDEO]

All organizations have blind spots, and when they go unchecked, they can cause a catastrophic event. Here’s how to identify and avoid blind spots in your organization.

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Family Business: Will the Family Business Destroy Our Family? [VIDEO]

Will your family business destroy your family? Here are the opportunities and landmines found in family businesses, and how you can avoid those landmines in yours.

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Teams: How to Breathe New Life into a Broken Team [VIDEO]

Teams are inherently dysfunctional. But as the leader, you have the power to change that. Here are 9 steps to bring new life into your team.

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Planning: The Power of Planning [VIDEO]

Planning allows you to take a chaotic state, narrow it down, and turn it into momentum and energy toward your goal. Here is how.

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Leveling Up Your Leadership: Becoming an Effective Senior Leader [VIDEO]

As you move up through the levels of leadership, the way you lead needs to change as well. As it has been said, “What got you here, won’t get you there!” Here are three areas where you need to lead differently to be an effective senior leader.

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Recruiting & Retaining “Mature” Team Members [VIDEO]

In the movie “The Intern,” Robert De Niro is a retired executive who rejoins the workforce as a senior intern. This may sound like a story made just for the movies, but it matches our reality today. With the population aging and not enough young people to fill the available positions in the workforce, leaders are going to have to be creative to fill in the gaps. Here’s how.

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Coaching: 3 Ways a Leadership Coach Can Help You Be More Effective

There was a time in my life when my leadership hit a wall, and I realized that I needed a leadership coach. My career is now at a point where I am healthy and whole and that is because of the coach who helped me through my journey. Here are three ways a coach can help you.

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Gaslighting: How to Identify It & Take Back Control [VIDEO]

Gaslighting may seem like a newer term, but it originated in a 1944 movie where a man deliberately convinced his wife that she was insane so that he could steal her family’s treasure. Here are the different ways people gaslight others and five steps to help you take back control if it is happening to you. 

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Decision-Making: Why Smart Leaders Do Dumb Things [VIDEO]

There are a lot of examples of people who are perhaps smart, but not smart all the time. Here are five reasons smart leaders sometimes do dumb things.

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DISC Behaviors: How to Work with Others Who Are Different Than You

Your ability to interact with others could be the difference between success and failure in your personal life and in your work life. Here’s how to effectively work with those who are different than you.

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Meeting Effectiveness: 4 Different Types of Meetings & Why It Matters [VIDEO]

Have you ever been sitting in a meeting wondering why you are there? This feeling is common and often happens because the meeting type was not communicated. Here are four meeting types and why it’s important to communicate the type before starting a meeting.

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Leadership: 4 Directions You Need to Lead [VIDEO]

“What is the most difficult aspect of leadership?” I get asked this frequently. In my opinion, it is the four directions of leadership – leading yourself, leading lateral, leading up, and leading down. Here are best practices to manage each of them well.

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Leadership Model: Are You a Cheerleader, Drill Sergeant, or Coach? [VIDEO]

What is your leadership model? Some see themselves as cheerleaders – encouraging their team. Others as drill sergeants – pushing their people. But what about a sports coach who encourages but also challenges? Here are five ways to get the most from your team.

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Developing Women Leaders: The Power of Leader Efficacy [VIDEO]

Women make up 54% of our workforce but only 8% of executive positions at Fortune 500 companies. One of the many factors holding them back is fear. Here are four ways women can build their leadership efficacy and confidence and how you can support them.

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Group Decision-Making: How to Build Consensus & Ensure You Are Change-Ready

Changes often bring conflict. But you can save yourself a lot of headaches by building consensus before you implement a decision. Here’s how to build consensus and how to determine if you are ready to implement the change.

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