Planning: The Power of Planning [VIDEO]

Planning allows you to take a chaotic state, narrow it down, and turn it into momentum and energy toward your goal. Here is how.

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CX Part 1: How to Create a Customer Experience Strategy [VIDEO]

“How likely are you to recommend this to a friend?” If you aren’t asking this question, you are missing out on valuable information about your customer’s experience. Here are four simple steps that will help you create a customer experience strategy with a lasting impact.

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Succession Planning: How to Prepare for Leaders Leaving [VIDEO]

We are told to prepare for getting hit by the proverbial "bus." But in reality, something far more common may cause a gap in leadership and put our organizations at risk - illness, accident, quitting, or retirement. Here are four steps to help you prepare for succession when a key leader leaves.

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Strategic Planning: 4 Key Elements of an Effective Strategic Plan [VIDEO]

“Rowing harder doesn't help if the boat is headed in the wrong direction.” So how do you keep your organization headed in the right direction? With a clear plan. Here are 4 key elements of an effective strategic plan.

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Leadership: 4 Keys to Monitoring & Managing Organizational Health [VIDEO]

It is hard to manage what you don’t monitor. To be a smart leader, you must pay attention to the gauges of organizational health that let you know if you are navigating correctly. Here are four keys to monitoring organizational health.

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