Meetings: 10 Ways to Make Your Leadership Meetings More Impactful [VIDEO]

Meetings can often be timewasters. Here are 10 tips that will save you and your leadership team hours in meetings by improving your productivity and helping you reach decisions faster.

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Leading with a “Clear Head” [VIDEO]

We all have our own doubts, fears, past experiences, and potential conflicts that have a way of staying in our memories and clouding our minds and decisions. As leaders, we need to clear our heads to be able to lead our team well. Here’s how.

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Candor: How to Balance Truth with Care [VIDEO]

Speaking with candor is easier said than done. People can either speak so directly that they forget how it will affect the other person, or they are so compassionate that the meaning of the feedback is lost. Here are helpful tips for balancing both care and confrontation when giving candor and how to receive it well.

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Succession Planning: How to Prepare for Leaders Leaving [VIDEO]

We are told to prepare for getting hit by the proverbial "bus." But in reality, something far more common may cause a gap in leadership and put our organizations at risk - illness, accident, quitting, or retirement. Here are four steps to help you prepare for succession when a key leader leaves.

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Boards: How to Improve Your Board’s Effectiveness [VIDEO]

A well-functioning team, where everyone understands their role and works together, is a thing of beauty to watch. Sadly, we often see boards that do not function this way. Here are five ways to improve the effectiveness of your board of directors.

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Feedback: How to Handle Feedback as a Leader [VIDEO]

“Can I give you some feedback?” Those six words can be hard to hear, especially for those in leadership. Here are five ways to handle feedback as a leader.

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Conflict: How to Fight Right [VIDEO]

Conflict in organizations and relationships is inevitable. But you have the option to make it valuable by learning to fight right instead of letting it become toxic and destructive. Here are four elements in learning how to fight right.

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Teams: 5 Traits of a High Performing Team [VIDEO]

Some teams just chase the next thing in front of them. Others rely on a single “superstar” to carry them. But neither of these methods will allow a team to be successful in the long run. Here are five traits of high performing teams.

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Strategic Planning: 4 Key Elements of an Effective Strategic Plan [VIDEO]

“Rowing harder doesn't help if the boat is headed in the wrong direction.” So how do you keep your organization headed in the right direction? With a clear plan. Here are 4 key elements of an effective strategic plan.

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Delegation: How Wise Leaders Delegate Effectively [VIDEO]

Have you ever felt like a magnet where more and more things stick to you as you go through your day? You either fail to give things away, or tasks that others should have done land on you? Here are five steps to help you delegate wisely and effectively.

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Leadership Mistake: 4 Mistakes Leaders Make [VIDEO]

Our mistakes actually teach people more about leadership than the successes we've had. Watch this video to learn four mistakes leaders make, that I made, and what we can learn from them.

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Communication: 3 Tips to Effectively Get Your Message Across [VIDEO]

With so many methods to communicate today, it should be easy to do it well, right? But when surveyed, two thirds of managers said they’re often uncomfortable communicating with employees, and over half of the employees reported not being given clear directions. Here are 3 tips to help you effectively get your message across.

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Leadership: 4 Keys to Monitoring & Managing Organizational Health [VIDEO]

It is hard to manage what you don’t monitor. To be a smart leader, you must pay attention to the gauges of organizational health that let you know if you are navigating correctly. Here are four keys to monitoring organizational health.

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Trust: 3 Actions that Build Trust [VIDEO]

Why do we let a pilot, whom we have never met, fly us across the country at 35,000 ft in air? It all has to do with trust. Trust is one of the foundational elements in organizational life. Here are three actions that will help you build trust in your life and leadership.

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Grit: 6 Ways to Lead with Grit [VIDEO]

Success in leadership takes more than talent, a high IQ, wealth, or good looks. It takes grit – the ability to persevere when faced with challenges. Watch this video to learn 6 ways to lead with grit and become more effective in your leadership.

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Leadership: 3 Ways to Lead Well [VIDEO]

There are examples of bad leadership all around us. Unfortunately, we can’t change others, but we can make improvements in our own leadership. Watch this video to learn three simple ways to lead well.

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