Senior Consultant
Gray has served more than 30 years as a leader in corporate, nonprofit, small business, and military contexts. He has successfully led organizations ranging from 100 to 3,100 employees. Gray has lived and worked in five different countries, been a CEO, and accumulated more than 25 years of experience on nonprofit and for-profit boards. He brings experience in executive coaching, strategic planning, and advising boards of directors and business owners. As a Certified Exit Planning Advisor (CEPA®), Gray helps business owners plan in advance for future transitions to ensure that their business, personal, and financial objectives will be achieved. Gray is a U.S. Army veteran and holds a B.S. from Cornell University, an M.B.A. from Harvard University, and an M.A.R. from Westminster Theological Seminary. Contact Gray.
As you move up through the levels of leadership, the way you lead needs to change as well. As it has been said, “What got you here, won’t get you there!” Here are three areas where you need to lead differently to be an effective senior leader.
What is your leadership model? Some see themselves as cheerleaders – encouraging their team. Others as drill sergeants – pushing their people. But what about a sports coach who encourages but also challenges? Here are five ways to get the most from your team.
Why do star athletes and CEOs have coaches when they are already at the top of their game? Because we all can benefit from someone helping us to achieve our full potential. Here are four types of leadership coaching and what you can expect from each.
Family businesses represent about 90% of American businesses, yet many struggle to survive into the 2nd and 3rd generations. This is often due to unclear roles. Here are the 5 vital roles that work together to create a successful family business.
Meetings can often be timewasters. Here are 10 tips that will save you and your leadership team hours in meetings by improving your productivity and helping you reach decisions faster.
A well-functioning team, where everyone understands their role and works together, is a thing of beauty to watch. Sadly, we often see boards that do not function this way. Here are five ways to improve the effectiveness of your board of directors.
“Rowing harder doesn't help if the boat is headed in the wrong direction.” So how do you keep your organization headed in the right direction? With a clear plan. Here are 4 key elements of an effective strategic plan.
Every business owner will transition eventually, yet 94% do not have a plan in place for their post-transition life and 75% regret selling their business just a year later! Creating an exit plan can help alleviate those anxieties. Here’s how.
Growing up, I always loved silos – towers of strength across the landscape. But as a leader, I’ve learned that organizational silos are not towers of strength, rather signs of weakness that can fuel conflict. Here are five ways to prevent departmental silos in your organization.
“It’s lonely at the top!” – Why have people said this for years? Because it’s true! The weight of your responsibilities can be heavy without someone to talk them through with. You are not alone in feeling this way.
Leadership can be hard due to the many and varying challenges a leader faces, whether in a church or business context. Proverbs 15:22 reminds us to seek the counsel of wise people. And as a pastor, there may be business owners in your congregation that could be encouraged by the benefits of hiring a consultant. Here are the three main reasons why.
Most business owners delay exit planning until it’s too late. Here are the three essential pillars of a successful transition so you can plan to step away on your own terms and not leave it up to chance.