Some days the phone doesn’t stop ringing, the emails are constant, and there are multiple knocks on the door. You and I are not the first to experience this strain which comes from clinging to the role of a lonely, central leader. Here are 5 key steps to relieving that strain without diminishing your impact.
Read moreGrit: 6 Ways to Lead with Grit [VIDEO]
Success in leadership takes more than talent, a high IQ, wealth, or good looks. It takes grit – the ability to persevere when faced with challenges. Watch this video to learn 6 ways to lead with grit and become more effective in your leadership.
Read more5 Daily Actions of Leaders That Will Be Remembered (in a Positive Way!)
Think about all of the leaders for whom you have worked. I bet some trigger unkind thoughts because of how little they added to your life, but others give you pause because of how great they were – how they added energy, value, and positivity to your life. If you want to be favorably remembered by those you now lead, consider doing these five things – every day.
Read moreThe 6 Greatest Fears Leaders Face & What to Do About Them
While many leaders try to portray themselves as fearless, they are mere mortals with fears common to us all. And, what we fear most can ultimately begin to rule us. Here are 6 of the most common fears leaders face and what to do about them.
Read moreLeadership: 3 Ways to Lead Well [VIDEO]
There are examples of bad leadership all around us. Unfortunately, we can’t change others, but we can make improvements in our own leadership. Watch this video to learn three simple ways to lead well.
Read moreLeading Blind: The Common Occurrence of Blind Spots & How to Correct Them
Picture yourself with a blindfold on and then attempting to drive a car (bad idea and also illegal!), or to walk your dog, or to throw a Frisbee. It’s hard to picture anything but problems emerging. The same is true for those who lead but with the inability to see what they should be able to. This results in leading blind, and the outcomes can often be embarrassing at best, and at worst, damaging to ourselves and others. Here are four of the most telling signs of blind spots and five ways to correct them.
Read moreA Mistake Was Made, But It Wasn’t My Fault
Mistakes happen and are almost always a result of human error – which means they aren’t going away anytime soon. While we need to strive to prevent as many mistakes as possible, we also need to respond appropriately when they happen. Here are some of the most common reactions when confronted with an error and a few suggestions on a better way to respond.
Read more2 Key Characteristics of Influential Leaders
Few things are more energizing than getting to watch a gifted leader at work. And, few things are more irritating than watching an incompetent person pretend to lead! Leaders with influence have a healthy blend of ability complimented by confidence. Here is a simple matrix to identify four types of leaders. Where are you? And where are members of your team?
Read moreHow To Lead Without Being in Charge
Many people wish they were “the boss,” but in reality, most people are not and never will be. But those in supportive positions can have a serious impact by leading even when they are not in charge. If they are good at what they do, they make the noise go away for the person they serve. Here are five ways you too can effectively lead without being in charge.
Read more7 Insecurities That Can Hold Good Leaders Back
When was the last time you heard yourself or another leader acknowledge being insecure? Almost never, right? Yet, every leader has some insecurities, if they aren’t too insecure to acknowledge them. A tinge of jealousy. A sense of doubt. A hint of fear. A lack of confidence. Insecurities are often surfaced when someone other than yourself is complimented, given recognition, or promoted. We may ignore them or deny them, but insecurities are there and when left unmanaged, can damage our relationships, our credibility, and even harm the organizations we lead. Here are 7 of the most common insecurities that can hold good leaders back.
Read more7 Leadership Labels: Which are true of you?
Leaders are complicated people. And to think a single word can describe us would be the definition of over-simplification. But we all do have patterns and tendencies that result in a word or two (or three) becoming the labels for which we are known. Here are 7 of the most common words we have seen leaders lead with. Some are not so nice. Others are much more appealing. Which ones best reflect you?
Read more5 Positive Ways Suffering Can Shape a Leader
Everyone will experience some hurt, and we will be shaped by the suffering we experience. Here are 5 positive ways suffering can shape you.
Read more7 Statements Leaders Should Think Twice About Before Saying
How often do you say something that later comes back to smack you? For most of us, that has happened more than once! Here are 7 statements you may want to think twice about before saying them to others.
Read moreAre You Throwing Stones or Catching Them?
It is easy to throw stones, but it is a lot more difficult to catch them. Which are you doing?
Read moreLeadership Quiz – How Healthy Is Your Leadership?
Leaders have the opportunity to influence others for good… or bad. How healthy is your leadership? Use this quiz to find out.
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